Monday, November 23, 2020

Going white baiting with my dad.

in the school holidays me and my dad went white baiting for a couple hours and we caught a good a mount of white bait like 100g and a little wile later we got a little bit more like 50g and on the week end we fixed an old net that we found under the house and it turned out very good and then we went scope netting down by the river mouth and we got a lot of white bait we got 100g the first time but i fell and drooped it but then we got to more 100g and that's what we did for white bait season.


Monday, June 8, 2020

Something I am proud of...

The thing I am most proud of is my cat drake because he's a very nice cat but some times he can be a bit dumb but hes still a good cat. He does attack our other cat Coco but we stop him.
He goes down our bank of the hill because he likes running around but he comes back
very dirty some times wet. My cat gives me the weirdest looks as if to say, 'what are you doing bruh?' I think my cat is the best.

Friday, June 5, 2020

what i learnt about ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt 101 | National Geographic - YouTube

when we did this inquiry it was very cool because i learnt about the ancient Egyptian gods
and about the pyramids and how the ancient Egyptians mummified there kings and other 
close relatives and there pets as well and there were jars that they used for keeping organs
and that's the canopic jars that the kings organs were put when he pasted away.  
 Aafenmut Canopic Jars, Ancient Egypt | Obelisk Art History
this is a list of the jars and what organs they carried.                    
1. Imseti human-liver
2. hapi baboon-lungs
3. duamutef jackal-stomach
4. qebehsenuef hawk-intestines

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

KFC fast food blog

KFC: See the latest 2020 Coupons, Deals & Vouchers - Glimp
KFC is my favourite fast food of all time 
and its one of the best in the would but they never salt the chips
but there breed rolls are very good with the potato and gravy
and there chickens good as well.

but they need to work faster and they are still good
at fast food.

yours sunserly Leon

Monday, March 9, 2020

favorite fast food

In maths I surveyed the class and made a pie chart of the results. Here is my graph and statements about the data.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Stung by a wild wasp

A few weeks ago I got stung by a yellow jacket and it hurt like heck because it was a wild wasp.
I stepped on the NEST and there was about 9 of them by the time my dad told me to get out of there. It was very painful. Heres a picture of a yellow jacket.

so thanks for reading yours sincerely Leon Rawson. 
Image result for yellow jacket

Tuesday, September 24, 2019
